African Meerschaum Pipes
Shop for African Meerschaum Pipes
Royal Meerschaum Pipes is pleased to offer a unique selection of authentic African Meerschaum Pipes. Although these pipes are over a half century old they are new, unsmoked, and in excellent condition.
A brief history of our African Meerschaum Pipes. In 1955 Kenyan businessmen from Nairobi established the Tanganyika Meerschaum Corporation after a meerschaum mine was discovered close to the surface on Mount Kilimanjaro. Another mine was soon discovered near Lake Amboseli. The meerschaum from this part of East Africa was known to be tougher, less porous and priced less than Turkish meerschaum. Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged and became known as Tanzania in October of 1964. The company closed soon after.
Enjoy scrolling through the pages where you will find both solid block and meerschaum lined African pipes in various sizes and bowl styles.